According to local myth, the Devil’s Dyke on the South Downs just north of Hove was the result of the work of the Devil. Apparently, he was digging a trench at night to allow the sea to flood the many churches of the Sussex Weald when the noise of his toil annoyed a rooster causing […]
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Tour de Mont Blanc

Bloody Hell, this is much harder than I was expecting. I’m taking really small steps, silly little steps, in an attempt to remain upright and prevent my kneecaps from being launched into space. Walking downhill on a steep incline is an activity that will forever top my list of 100 activities that I dislike the […]
February in Iceland

Once disembowelled from the Air Iceland plane at Reykjavik Airport we had the pleasant surprise of being greeted by airport signs in English complete with Icelandic subtitles. How good is that? It was just like being in Wales but with a warmer welcome. I had always wanted to see the Northern Lights (or the Aurora […]
We are off trekking again, accompanied by our two trusty Labradors, Griffin and Wallis. This time we are heading to the Alpujarras. It’s a narrow, 70Km valley that runs East/West from the heights of the Sierra Nevada until it falls into the Mediterranean Sea around Almeria. The arid hillsides are slashed by deep ravines and […]
I hate airports

I hate airports. In the last 15 months I have been through 68 different airports, some of them more than once, but none of them a pleasure. Hurry up and wait describes the whole, unpleasant experience that begins before leaving home and clings like a bad smell for some time after reaching your intended destination. […]
Our New Home

Four months in Soto have passed in a whirl, helped with very generous doses of friends and family visiting us. We managed to learn some Spanish, meet up with friends, play some golf, do some riding, and experience some of the delights of Andalucia: Jerez, Ronda, Granada, Jaen, Cordoba, Seville, Tarifa, Marbella (mainly for shopping!) and even sailed over […]
Honey, I’ve left the kids

Our plan was to leave the house all loaded up with dogs and baggage at 0700. Amazingly we made it and after checking and re-checking that we had everything we posted the house keys back through the letterbox and departed on time. However 10 minutes into our epic journey we realised that we had left […]