I have been in most of the cathedrals in South America partly because they are usually one ‘of the places to visit’ but mostly because they provide a fascinating mixture of Catholicism, paganism, local culture and no small measure of skilled artisanship. However, I have to report that the most unusual of all of the […]
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Bogota’s graffiti

Colombia is attempting to change its negative reputation with cultural and artistic activities and events that will match not only its South American neighbours but many European countries too. Nowhere is this more evident than in the street art which adorns Bogotá’s walls, and which gives unfettered creativity to the capital’s graffiti artists. James Suenson-Taylor, […]
The 100Km Trailwalker Challenge 2013

According to local myth, the Devil’s Dyke on the South Downs just north of Hove was the result of the work of the Devil. Apparently, he was digging a trench at night to allow the sea to flood the many churches of the Sussex Weald when the noise of his toil annoyed a rooster causing […]
Tour de Mont Blanc

Bloody Hell, this is much harder than I was expecting. I’m taking really small steps, silly little steps, in an attempt to remain upright and prevent my kneecaps from being launched into space. Walking downhill on a steep incline is an activity that will forever top my list of 100 activities that I dislike the […]
Everest conclusions

I wanted to go to Everest. I couldn’t pass up the chance of being in the Himalayas without making a special effort, at least, to see the world’s most iconic mountain. In truth, it was more than that. For months before we departed for our trip I would fantasise about standing on the snow cone […]
Retreat from Everest

The day after our North Col debacle, we began our retreat from Everest by walking down from Advanced Base Camp at 6,400 metres (21,000 feet) to Base Camp at 5,150 metres (17,000 feet). Our expedition leader, Jamie, was too busy dealing with Andrew, our ‘unassisted’ summitteer, to say goodbye to us at camp. It’s an […]
Advanced Base Camp

“It was warm last night, the temperature was up to minus 15C!” said our expedition leader, Jamie. The balmy temperature didn’t last as all the other nights married temperatures between minus 20C and minus 30C. Essentially, it is the equivalent of sleeping in your domestic freezer or something even colder. By the morning, ice crystals […]