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Family Time

We left Tahiti heading for Auckland. It is a five hour flight that takes 27 hours because we cross the International Date Line. Thus, Thursday passed in a flash and we have no memory of it. Have we been robbed of a day of our lives? Perhaps we have been abducted by aliens who have […]

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Time for some R&R

Leaving Easter Island there are only two directions to go: either back to Santiago or on to Tahiti. Going to Tahiti is a no brainer because we are heading to New Zealand and it seems like a good place to stop for a bit of R&R as we get used to some major time changes. […]

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Anyone fancy a statue?

With a heavy heart and, in Debbie’s case, tears in her eyes we depart South America after nearly 6 months of travelling around fulfilling dreams of exploring the huge continent. We have been really lucky to have enjoyed experiences, people and unique cultures giving us a good understanding of the countries within. So with a hop, […]

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